something about 魚 & neurological activity…


      – 09.11.2o12 & 05.04.2o13re~

if a fish were capable of complex neurological processes, what would it think about?  osmosis, perhaps?

inspirations from people floating in the vast realm of the interwebz…
this here’s actually an old vector drawing (created in adobe illustrator) re-post from my now-defunct posterous-Blog, at a time when someone i’d met online inspired me to read Hermann Hesse, whose Demian  i’m currently reading during commutes on the BART.  as is probably apparent, this creature’s design does not  touch upon themes of duality nor relative morality that were oft explored in the novel, and 5am—just mere hours before sunrise—is simply not the best of times for venturing into such potentially meandering thoughts, lest i have a friend with me and preferably a coupla brewskies—one in hand and another already coursing through my system.  and maybe some kettle chips…yum~  alas, this is no such night, so i shall leave the pondering and the waking-dreams of ethereal cosmic jellyfish to one with a more clearly functioning brain, like perhaps this lil’ fella here~   >[:) 

2 thoughts on “something about 魚 & neurological activity…

Hiya! any thoughts to share?