Telcihc dreams of mobile-play~


This isn’t an actual screenshot to showcase any sort of playable game-dev progress for my w-i-p telcihc flash platformer―which, to be honest, has been on the back burner for some time now, even though it does feature my ol’ dr. julius “oC” telcihc as the protagonist/player character, so to speak.  Rather, it’s a mock-up for how a telcihc game might  look as a static image with touch controls and the whole works.

The process of creating this image has made for quite a fun UI design exercise for me.  Yet, perhaps a bit ironically, i’m still rather skeptical about how well a platforming game can work with touch-controls, like in terms of how well can a platformer control , given the advantages and disadvantages of touch-screen interface.  I’m convinced that Continue reading