being quasi-antisocial with sackiCons this Halloween~


Halloween 2o14’s “jacked” sackiCons-02 ~  

Rather than hitting the party scene in some crazy getup, i’ve voluntarily cooped up indoors on a rainy (or at least wet-ish) Halloween night, workin’ on the computer with some vector-art (plus a healthy dose of  photoshoppery) and drawing up avatar “costumes” for some  friends…which ultimately boils down to a solitary endeavor that feels Continue reading

fun with Silhouettes no.02


now who might this  be?

pls excuse my liberal interpretation of the definition of the word “silhouette” here, but i’d imagine that there’s mighty sufficient visual information for Rockman fans to recognize this guy’s identity.

and it’s decided, my online plan(s) for this Halloween, anti-social though they may be!  while it seems rather unlikely that i’ll be attending any sort of costume-themed shindig in real life in the next 38 days-or-so, i do know who/what i want to be this october 31st…at least in so far as online avatars go, ha~  as for the game itself, find out more about the various updates HERE      >[:p 

fun with Silhouettes~

silhouettes Collection-01 ~ 

…not quite doppelgängers, but rather a ‘shop-recompilation of the “costume” graphics that i’d originally made for the then-ex-Newsies for Halloween 2o13 using adobe illustrator, ha~       >[:p